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In and out of the classroom, I strive to be a leader who models respect for my students, the communities in which I work, and the global community as a whole.

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Relevancy is the most important connection an effective teacher brings to their content area - it is my job to make learning relevant and valuable for my students.  Over the course of my career, I have taught several sections of AP US History to classes with few if any connections to the United States.  There is no intrinsic reason they should care about the Midwest in the 1900s. This can, however, be accomplished by making connections between broader themes and the realities of the country or region in which they live, current world events, and the universal themes of life as a teenager.  Once the relevance of material is established for students, they can engage in the work of learning and analyzing with a purpose.


I take the time to connect with my students - I know them and they know me.  I do this through involvement in extracurriculars, engaging in journaling and reflective writing activities, taking a leadership role in grade-level events and retreats, and creating new school traditions like park clean-ups and hikes.  I work to model respectful and open dialogue with my students while demonstrating the possibility of being lighthearted while still maintaining high standards as a professional.  Many of my students from years past remain in close touch, and I have been honored to be treated as "part of the family" in many households in the international school community.



Students work hardest for teachers they respect, who take a genuine interest in their lives, and who allow them to engage with content in ways that push their analytical capacity.  Harvard, Columbia, the University of Queensland, and Arcadia University, along with experience on the ground in more than eighty countries, have provided me with the knowledge and professional network needed to make class rich, engaging, and valuable for my students.  I'm also able to mentor them on the path to and through elite academia, as well as offering my own experience with paving an unconventional and self-guided path through the world.


Social studies teachers are in a unique position to facilitate the development of student perspectives and their capacity to express those ideas.  Twenty-first-century thinkers need the skills to competently investigate topics of interest and differentiate between reliable and unreliable information, as well as the tools to articulate their thoughts and ask probative questions of others.  In my classroom (and around campus) this takes the form of research projects, presentations, song-writing competitions, debates, virtual conferences held with peers from around the world, and even the occasional rap battle.  This allows me to leverage the incredible diversity of experience, skills, and perspectives my students have to offer, which enhances the quality of our learning community.



I have had the opportunity to serve as leader of our outdoor adventure club, as well as launching international experience-based learning opportunities in the Middle East (Jordan, Palestine, and Tel Aviv) and Cuba.  Whether we are climbing the highest mountain in the Caribbean or interviewing refugees in the occupied West Bank, these learning tools provide the opportunity to model social-emotional growth, and to engage students in rigorous cross-curricular learning opportunities.


The above video was made by students to promote future field study in the Middle East at Carol Morgan School.  The video was an attempt to showcase their learning from our inaugural trip to the Middle East in the 2018-19 school year, as a launch to our IEBLO program.

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©2019-2025 by Andrew Kempe - NBCT.
Any student photos publicly published on school websites and used with permission.

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